I know, I know! Halloween has not even come and gone and I'm already thinking, let alone talking, about Christmas!!! I just can't help myself!

My husband keeps laughing at me because for the past month, I have been stalking Barnes & Noble (and grocery stores!) to see if the Christmas magazines have started rolling in. I have a good excuse though! My baby boy turns one on December 16th and I am planning a big birthday celebration. I love reading blogs, but I think it has been a blessing and a curse when it comes to this particular party. Normally, I would have had his party planned out in my head months ago, but I keep seeing so many great ideas, that I never can settle on anything. I think I have finally decided though, so stay tuned for the details to come. I'm so excited! In the meantime, here is an inspiration board I put together with pictures I have saved over the past few months.
Martha Stewart - snowflake cookies, marshmallow favors, coffe & donuts, cake and flowers
And I can't remember where I found the cute snowman punch bowl! If you know, please send the info my way!