Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Texas - An Ode to Texas Pecan Pies!

In honor of Texas Independence Day and my never ending sweet tooth, I wanted to share with you my top 3 Texas pecan pies that everyone can easily enjoy!

Goode Co. BBQ is very popular in Houston and their pecan pies are infamous. You should see the line out the door during Thanksgiving week! The pies are dark, sweet and delicious and you can order them online! They arrive at your doorstep in a sturdy wooden box, perfectly wrapped for freshness. The pies are $31.95 and make great gifts! I send them to friends throughout the year.


Next up is the San Saba Pecan Pie in a Jar. Yes, you read that correctly and it truly is that easy! All you need to do is add eggs and provide the pie crust and you have a delicious pie! Their Chocolate Chip Pecan Pie is to die for as well! You can order the jars directly from San Saba or order online from William Sonoma. They are currently on sale at William Sonoma for $14.99! Their preserves are equally as tasty and are amazing smothered over pork tenderloin or to top off your ice cream!



I can't say enough good things about the pies from Royer's Roundtop Cafe. Their pies are UH.MAZING! And the good news is that you can order them online as well! Their Pecan Pie is a restaurant favorite and I am obsessed with their Chocolate Chip Pie! They like to say that the pecan pie is "not too sweet and does not have that karo flavor".


Mmmm....Royer's Chocolate Chip Pie! I served these in the mini version at my birthday dinner last year!



  1. I so should not have read this when I can't eat sugar today... these look so yummy. I tried my first bite of Pecan Pie this past Thanksgiving; I can't believe I was depriving myself these past 26 years:)

  2. Yum! I wish we could order these in the UK - And that pecan pie in a jar is genius - what an easy dinner party dessert idea xo

  3. this completely stole my heart...and stomach. i have quite an obsession with pecan pies! totally drooling now. (

  4. Yum....thanks for the Houston info - my dad just moved there and now I know where to recommend him a treat!

  5. Oh, how this post makes me miss Houston even more but in a good way! I'm our newest follower!
