Monday, July 20, 2009

Real Parties: Cirque du Sadie

As promised, here are pictures of the amazing circus inspired party, Cirque du Sadie. I worked as a wedding and event coordinator with Sadie's mom, Christine, before I had my little ones. Christine also threw the fabulous butterfly party for her daughter's birthday last year. You can see those pictures here.

Most of the photos are from the ever so talented, Leslie Gaworecki, owner of Goodlight Photography. A few of the pictures were taken by yours truly and do not compare to Leslie!


  1. really adorable. love the bright colors!

  2. It all looks wonderful. How fun!

  3. Love how you used the pink, orange, and green color scheme instead of the traditional red & white! So fresh & fun!

  4. This is fabulous! I'm absolutely loving the cupcakes and those huge flowers on the fence!!

  5. I wish I'd found this site sooner! I'm doing my DD's 1st birthday this weekend. I too LOVE!!! planning parties and have had an absolute hayday! This party is just the cutest!
