Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Conrad's First Birthday: It's a Wonderful Life

I cannot believe that my baby boy will be turning 1 in just a few weeks! Time has FLOWN by. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time, so he will always be itty bitty. But on the other hand, I'm so excited for him to reach this milestone.
I thought long and hard about what "theme" I wanted to go with to help celebrate this special boy. I love that he is a December baby which means his birthday is during my absolute favorite time of year! It's a Wonderful Life is one of my favorite movies and I watch it year round, not just during Christmas. It always takes me to a happy place and makes me feel warm and cozy.
When I was thinking about the movie a few months ago, the idea of planning his party around the film popped into my head. It's been a special year and so many wonderful things have happened...It's a Wonderful Life.

Lots of party details to come!

Photography by Candid Chic


  1. Fun idea! Can't wait to see what you do!
    PS What a cutie- love the curls

  2. love his golden curls & big, blue eyes-future heartbreaker in the making!

  3. He is adorable! I love the party theme - cannot wait to see what you have planned!
