Monday, March 1, 2010

A Very Chic Twilight Inspired Wedding

Ok, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I am a newly crazed Twilight fan. In the past, I rolled my eyes when I heard stories of people reading the LONG novels in hours and standing in ridiculously long lines to see the movies. But alas, I finally saw Twilight and New Moon and I was hooked! I rushed home, borrowed book 3 and 4 and finished them in about a week. Yes, I have turned into one of those people. Anyway...when I stumbled across this gorgeous photo shoot, my jaw dropped. The details and creativity are stunning and I can't believe it was inspired by the wedding in Breaking Dawn (did I just ruin the book for someone?!). I'm so used to seeing gothic Twilight parties and this was very refreshing to see...much more my style.

You cannot see it well on this picture, but the ribbon on the bouquet reads, "so the lion fell in love with the lamb". I feel incredibly cheesy saying this, but how sweet and creative is that?!

Sweet and Saucy contributed to this gorgeous photo shoot and that is where I found the pictures. You have GOT to see their write up on the event. My words will not do it justice. Read on to learn about the details and to see a lot more eye candy which can serve for inspiration for many types of events! I love how the event planners took the iconic apple from the original cover and ran with it in a stylish place cards, hot apple cider and a painted apple on the cake.


  1. welcome to the club! im obsessed with twilight!

  2. I love the twilight series. I'm obsessed! Great party.

  3. Ummm... I love. And when I read Twilight, I don't think I spoke to my husband for 2 weeks. I was against it at first but how good is it?!!!!

  4. How funny, I just stumbled onto this yesterday also! I love the fresh take on the theme!

  5. So glad you liked the photos! Thanks for the post!

  6. The silver apple~ REAL LACE on the cake~ the candles~ the message on the ribbon~ backs of the chairs!!!! LOVE!

  7. This is beautiful... I am a crazy Twilight fan as well. I avoided it for so long, and thought people who got "that" into it were crazy... I am obsessed. Thanks for posting these pictures!!

  8. LOL, that is too funny. Glad to see that there are other stylin' T fans out there. I keep my obsession hidden because I looked at people like my sister as though they were insane, the way I always do when it comes to star crushes and the like. This is SO well done though. I hope somebody shows it to the woman who wrote the book. The whole point of the story was to show another side to the genre than the goth look, it seems to be lost on a lot of people :)

    Glad I found you!

  9. Okay, it's official~ I need to see what this Twilight is all about. I just don't get it...vampires?? OK, OK I will just have to see????

    Maddycakes Muse

  10. Don't be embarrassed there are many Twilight Fans! I am a huge fan, and this wedding was gorgeous! People always use the goth look for the books but the books were so not Gothic, this was perfect!

  11. Makes me want to get married again! I love it!
