Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter to you and your families! Thank you so much for reading and for inspiring me everyday! Here is a picture of my two little men at an Easter egg hunt this morning.

Now it's time for me to start baking and getting things ready for our family meal tomorrow! What are you serving? We are going to feast on brown sugar glazed ham, corn pudding, twice baked potatoes, sauteed mushrooms and peas, sour cream rolls, coconut meringue pie and an almond cake!! Can't wait! I'm also going to bake banana bread and pecan pie muffins and serve a pear champagne cocktail.

Again, Happy Easter!


PS - I wish I could edit out the pink caution tape they put up for perimeters for the egg hunt! Oh well, at least it's pink for Easter and not that awful bright yellow construction tape.


  1. Precious! Have a Happy Easter...and that cocktail sounds so yummy!

  2. Wow, That all sounds amazing! This year we are eating out! But your menu made me think of this recipe from Paula Dean... "No Yo Mama's Banana Pudding." Everytime I serve it everyone loves it!

  3. WOW! That menu sounds incredible! Other than the ham ...(which I just took out of the freezer!) I hadn't given dinner much thought!!! I guess I should get busy! ;-)

  4. They are super cute and your menu sounds fabulous!!

  5. Happy Easter my friend! Can I come over for leftovers???

    Maddycakes Muse

  6. Your little guys are too cute!! Hope you had a wonderful day. Your menu sounds delish.

  7. Cute pic! And your menu sounds YUMMY!
