Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Real Parties: High Tea for a 30th Birthday

Last year, my friend Lindsay turned 30 and her SWEET husband planned a surprise high tea birthday party in her honor! {hubby, do you by chance read this little blog of mine??}

A handmade dress, hat and shoes for Lindsay's daughter, Hayden.

Special hats for the ladies to wear!

Lindsay's husband had a whole day planned which consisted of Lindsay opening envelopes for her to learn about their next destination. One of her treats was to get her makeup done and another envelope contained a gift card to Neiman's to buy the makeup she just had put on! Then, it was off to the St. Regis for a virgin tini...Lindsay was 7 months pregnant at the time. When she walked in and started hearing girls shouting "Happy Birthday!!", it still took a minute for her to realize the shouting was for her!

Little Miss Hayden and her grandmother awaiting the arrival of her mommy.

Lindsay and her sister who flew in from London for the special occasion!

Lindsay and her friends all wearing their hats. Lindsay's hat came from a specialty hat store in London!

What a fun way to celebrate a 30th birthday! It's still fun to play "dress up" at 30!