Monday, August 23, 2010

{Real Parties} LumberJack & Jill Couple's Shower

I truly L.O.V.E everything about this shower!! Trish of Frilly Milly Events executed the party beautifully and managed to give the couple's shower a masculine and feminine feel by incorporating lots of plaid and wildflowers. If you notice, the table is not full of desserts like you would expect. It's the food table and it contains the cutest spread of BBQ I have ever seen!

Instead of gifts, the happy couple asked their friends to donate to an orphanage. Trish set up a "Giving Tree" for the donation area.
And this could be the cutest photo booth I have ever seen! The props are fantastic!

Did you notice the favor bags too? Trish filled little brown bags with all of the ingredients to make s'mores and sealed them with a label that read "s'more love" and then the couple's wedding date. Adorable!

To see more fun photos from this engagement party, be sure to visit Frilly Milly Events. Thanks so much Trish for sharing this party with us! Trish is clearly a talented event planner, so I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!


  1. This is ADORABLE! I love the corn on the cob on the stick, the baked beans (amazing), the photo booth, SMORE LOVE perfect!

  2. I dig the corn pops too and the fry cones. Super fun!


  3. Very cute - I love the corn on a stick. All the details are perfect!

  4. Christi, I LOVE, Love, Love this! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow! Awesome food display and the photo booth looks fun!

  6. So cute! I love the corn on the cob on sticks and the baked beans in jars! Very creative!

  7. I LOVE THIS!!! Every single part of it! I love the french fries in the shabby chic paper and suitcase and giving tree....and the sliders...and..OK everything! Thank you for sharing!

  8. By far the cutest BBQ spread I've EVER seen. Love the corn on the cob and individual jars of baked beans!!!

  9. love this!! I agree- the photo booth is adorable, and he spread is perfect!

  10. LOVE the food table!!!

    Shelley @

  11. I'm so borrowing that baked beans in a jar original!

  12. GORGEOUS! The corn on the cob on a stick!--LOVE!

  13. so fun-love all the food presentation!

  14. Ooh that's a cute one!! Their photobooth photos are adorable! eek!

    - Becs @ Stiletto Studio

  15. I absolutely LOVE this!! The corn on the cob on a stick?! So clever!!!

  16. I love the baked bean jar idea - do you know what size that is?
