Thursday, September 16, 2010


Call me crazy, but I have started another blog! It's my family blog, but I plan to make it much more than that. Besides party planning and my family, my loves are interior design, baking, trying new recipes, shopping...actually, the list could go on and on. A Little Bit of Bennett will cover all that and more. Please join me if you would like!

I have to thank my friend, Carolyn, who currently lives in Austria, for the awesome blog design!! She did an amazing job and she is helping me transform the look of P is for Party! If you need a blog makeover, you would be in good hands with Carolyn.


  1. Cute header, and love the colors and design. I'm heading over and will be following, cause I love to do all those things too!

  2. I just started following your P is for Party blog and I am excited about your new one.
