Wednesday, September 8, 2010

{Real Parties} Barbie's Fashion World!

A pink carpet and pink velvet ropes...say no more!

My jaw truly dropped to the floor when I saw this amazing Barbie party!! Angela of Fantasy Celebrations is a fantastic party planner and I get so excited when she shares a new party with me. Houston is lucky to have her!

LOVE the feather adorned lamps!

A perfect mix of pink and black! This gorgeous tables was for the little girls' and there were several adult tables for the mommies as well.

To make the perfect plate, Angela found Barbie silhouette die-cuts. So very girly and pretty!

The party theme was Barbie's Fashion World", an artist was on hand to sketch fashion illustrations of the girls. Fabulous idea!

The sketches were not the only party activity. The girls got to play dress up in a Beauty Bar outfitted with jewels, makeup and lots of sweet scents!

AND Barbie came to visit the girls!!

If all of the above wasn't enough, each guest received an adorable pink party dress to take home with them and continue the magic!

WOW have outdone yourself once again!! You can see many more pictures on Angela's Fantasy Celebrations Facebook page.


  1. Wow!! What an amazing party!! Absolutely gorgeous.

  2. So classy! What girl wouldn't LOVE a party like this?

  3. OMG! What a lucky girl to have such a Fantabulous party! Gorgeous!

  4. wow! the black feathers are so cool!

  5. seriously this is one of the most creative and amazing parties I have seen in a long time!

  6. As a Barbie Collector and Event Planner, I absolutely LOVE this! :) How did you construct the Barbie banner?

  7. WOW WOW WOW! I am jealous. I want this for MY next birthday!

  8. I love this! So well done! Fabulous fabulous!

  9. THAT is amazing. It was so done so well that really girls of any age would enjoy it.

  10. I just turned 30 and I would be down for having that party : ) Are those crystal & feather lamp shades as centerpieces...oh my those rock!

  11. Wow, talk about sassy! Love it!

  12. I almost missed this~ thought it was another Barbie party.. So glad I took the time to look! I knew you would have something special to look at;)Such a classy party for little girls! I love it!

  13. So precious, I want to be invited and I am 34!

  14. Thank you ladies ... this is Angela (Fantasy Celebrations owner/designer). I'm really humbled by your extremely kind words. When I was working on this, I was going for pretty and fun ... no way did I expect that this party would go over this well. Thank you so much ... it is so encouraging. For Deirdre ... the sign is cut out of foam board and I sprayed it pink and my clever hubby hung it from the pipe and drape using fishing wire. ;-)

  15. My girls would have LOVED this -- everything looks perfect!

  16. wow! this is such a great party & love the plates.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Would you be willing to share where you got the silhouette pattern from?

  19. I love the party. I am interested on knowing how can i get the Barbie silhouette die-cuts for the plates. They just to adorable.

  20. Oh God! This is so beautiful! Loved it! XoXo

  21. Nice decoration .. I've loved this idea.. I'll do the same decoration in my daughter's birthday at NBAD Careers and white dress will be the dress code.. How is the idea tell me guys.

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