Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Four Sweet and Unique Party Themes for Your Little Ones

I just love all of the parties that are popping up that are based on a favorite saying or song. Here are four of my favorites lately...

Cute as a Button
Lili of Swanky::Chic::Fete recently showed the most adorable Cute as a Button birthday party in a gray and pink color scheme. We all know I am a fan of gray, so I was smitten with this party from the beginning. This is a perfect theme for a first birthday or baby shower! Joy of Cobblestone Rue did a wonderful job with this sweet party.





Sweet as Pie
This is another favorite theme of mine and the versatile theme can be used for little boys or girls as well as a baby shower. Courtney of Pizzazerie delighted us all when she recently debuted this precious first birthday on her site.


You are My Sunshine
Who doesn't love the old song, "You are My Sunshine"?! I have sung this sweet song to my boys ever since they arrived. Using a song as your theme is a unique idea and this is one of the best songs for a child's birthday. This chic party was shown on Hostess with the Mostess and was styled by Aimee of Lulu Pink Parties.




Let's Have a Ball
Do you remember the Let's Have a Ball party in the Martha Stewart Kids Magazine years ago?? I have saved several copies of that treasured magazine and I have always loved the sports party the Martha Stewart team dreamed up.

Recently, two amazing party stylists have used similar themes and transformed party spaces into amazing settings which were shown on Hostess with the Mostess. Amy Nichols of Amy Nichols Special Events designed a colorful Bouncy Ball party for a friend's son and Jessica Kirkland of Pen n' Paper Flowers styled the most creative Classic Red Ball party for her daughter.




I have just shown you a snippet of these adorable parties. Be sure to click on each party link to see the full details!


  1. these are all darling! Love some new inspiration!!

  2. Loved seeing that the cute bouncy ball party was in the same town that my parents live in! So many adorable young families there :)

  3. Love the sweet as pie! So cute!


  4. Oh I love this cute,adorable things,,lovely images / Marie

  5. Such a great roundup of adorable party themes, Pamela! They're all so appealing, I actually found myself smiling the whole time I was enjoying your post!

  6. Very sorry, I meant Christi! ("Senior moment" there!)

  7. I love the cute as a button, the cake with the song and the red ball-theme! So gorgeous! :-)



  8. I love this, and I especially love "You are my sunshine". My daughter (4.5) and I are loving the song "Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows", and I've been thinking of using this song as my inspiration for coordinating my daughter's 5th, but most likely it will be a music themed party.
