I have been such a bad blogger lately! I am SO sorry and I truly miss everyone and my daily dose of creativity. I've been reading your blogs though and have seen so many wonderful posts! My in-laws decided to move from Colorado, where they have been for the past 10 years, and come back to Texas. This all happened in about a month, so they have been staying with us while their new house is being remodeled. So, my quiet time during the boys' naps and after they go to bed has been replaced with decorating errands and dinners out. It's been fun though! Anyway....I promise to get back to blogging this week!!
PS - The above picture has no meaning, besides that I just think it's pretty. =)
I've been checking on your blog about every day for awhile and wondered why you haven't posted...now I know why! :) I just wanted to tell you I love your inspiration and creative ideas. I'll keep checking back to see what neat and interesting things you've found :)
I love those boots too. :)
missed you! Have fun with the family!!
You have been missed!!!!! Hope all is well...
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