I am SO excited to announce that I am having my first giveaway!! My good friend and stationery extraordinaire, Hayley Hardcastle, has generously offered
to donate 25 personalized notecards to the lucky winner. Be sure to read below on how to enter.

How to Enter:
1. Hop on over to HH Design House and browse the notecard section under galleries. Leave a comment here letting me know which style is your favorite.
2. To better your chances and to gain lots of party inspiration, look through however many invitation designs you have time for and let me know which one caught your eye.
Be sure to leave two separate comments and please include your e-mail address, so that I can contact you.
The winner will be chosen by random.org on Wednesday, November 25th.
Good luck!!
Comment 1: Love the Pink Initial, Damask solid, but in pink with brown lettering, and the Green with envy cards are my personal faves. Your friend Hayley is one talented person. Everything is beautiful. Almost wishing I could get married again to send out some of those wedding invitations...almost.
Comment 2: I perused Hayley's selection of other offerings and at this stage of my life I had to go with party invites and holiday cards. My favorites in those places were the Apothecary jar with candy, the 50's girl with record, Double Bubble, Anniversary party with the two photos, and anything in damask or dots or blue or tan or light green in the holiday assortment. Can you tell I am not picky? I loved just about everything.
I love the Blue Initial notecards. It's super cute and modern!
I love the Pretty Paisley design!
Comment #1: It's a tie between "Broad Blues" and "Damask Solids". They're both very elegant and classy!
Comment #2: I love the picket fence design invitation (I think its number 14 in the "Party Time" gallery). Very cute!
I am loving ALL the tri fold Holiday designs! Gets me excited for the Holidays.
I really like the Black and Blue. So beatiful.
I like the invite of the Butterfly. I think it is # 54.
Everything in this line is beautiful.
I am green with envy over the green with envy! I actually have that same color green shirt on today! We were meant to be together.
My friends and I agree that half the party is in the invitaion. If the invitation is totally Wowsy, even if they don't attend the party, they know they missed a great one. If the do attend they know they have so much to look forward to.
great cards! wonderful giveaway!
comment#1: my favorite is black and blue - double trouble and zebra card...i think the zebra is my number 1 choice =)
comment #2 i had to check holiday cards and fell in love with the #4 and #6 christmas/holiday cards
comment#1: Love the Family Card. So cute and a great way to say thank you!
For the notecard, I like the Yellow Damask.
For the invitation, I love the mermaid one. My daughter wants a mermaid party for her 4th birthday.
I love the "pretty paisley" note cards!
I love the CSI invitations! How funny is that?
So Pretty! My favorite notecards are "blue initial", "pink initial" and "black and Blue" but I also love the black on hot pink! This is a fabulous giveaway.
The party invitations are amazing as well, My two faves are the "joy & Jill" the black and hot pink really "pops" and the "rockin rosemary" is so clever I love the record. I really like the "masculine monograms" thats hard to pull off and I think it looks great!
I love Hayley, everything she does for us is perfect! My favorite notecard is the Family Card... too cute!!
thetichenorfamily {at} gmail {dot} com
... my favorite invitations from Hayley are the adorable birthday party invites she made for my son Carson's 2nd Birthday in October... and the champagne bottle bachelorette party invites she made for my sister's wedding in March! She's the best!!
thetichenorfamily {at} gmail {dot} com
The Damask Solid is very elegant for a couple - especially when writing Thank You notes after the wedding day.
(P.S. A friend of mine introduced me to your blog...thanks for sharing your great ideas!)
The Initial Cards are ideal for children's notes!
Comment 1: I loved the Family Card. I also loved the wild card, those would be perfect if my niece decides to go with a giraffe theme she's been contemplating & if it's a girl ha-ha!
Comment#1 I love the black and blue note cards as well as the family card. She has some great stuff!
Comment #2 I love the Double Bubble invitation as well as the 50's record invite!
Comment 2: Beautiful invites, my faves were the Circus, the Rockin Rosemary and the hummingbird.
Comment 1: Love the solid damask -- gorgeous!
Comment 2: The invitation for "Rockin' Rosemary" is absolutely adorable. Love the sock-hop theme with the old fashioned record. Too cute!
I really like Pretty Paisley
navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com
I like Stacked Names for the notecards.
For invitations, the High Tea invitation caught my eye.
Comment 1: Great Commission is my favorite, hands down.
Comment 2: I love her creativity and colors! I really liked the 40th b-day design and the one with the barn doors for Henry.
It's a toss up between double trouble & the black 'n blue cards.
lauriemac982 at aol dot com
i love the pink initial note card, thanks! clallen at ntin dot net
My favorite is Green With Envy. So lovely!
I like seasonal snowflakes. I love the colors
So much talent! Your cards are gorgeous! My daughter (and I) would love the Paisley note cards. Beautiful.
My personal favorite amoungst the notecards is the Family Card--if I'm not a winner, I'll want to order these for myself!
Loved the "Pink Passion" notecard design! Very feminine and cute.
I love the Damask Solids...so pretty! sam.joani@comcast.net (http://fabulouspartyideas.blogspot.com/)
I love the simplicity of the Double Trouble card!
I also love the Pretty Paisley design.
I LOVE the Wild Card notecards and may just have to order those up for myself right now. Too cute!
Oops forgot my email. brittany.king@gmail.com Thanks, love your blog!!
Ok for comment #2, I have to say I love the Disco party invitations for my friend Christine. They came on 8 tracks. SO CUTE!
yellow damask. love it!
i love double trouble!!! cute!
Comment #1: Oh, they are all beautiful!!! I love nothing more than getting a handwritten notecard in the mail! So fun!!! It was hard to choose, but my favorite is the yellow damask!
Comment #2: I absolutely LOVE her oh baby section! Lots of friends are having babies, and these baby shower invitations are so classy! Love them all!!!!
Hi, Christi!
I love the Damask Solid notecard & the Holiday/Moving announcement #73. Love reading the blog!
Alicia Dean
Comment #1: My favorites are a tie between "Pretty Paisely" and "Zebra Card" - both stand out but also have so much elegance!
Comment #2: #20 under Party Time is my favorite! It could be used for so many different events and really makes a statement! My mother always told me that an invitation should make a statement about the party you are throwing- it sets the stage :)
Ok we know I LOVE all of them but I think Yellow Damask is my favorite.
Comment #1: Wow! It's so hard to choose just one favorite - I'm a paper junkie! I really like the pink initial, damask solid, yellow damask, and the zebra notecards. But honestly, I wouldn't turn any of them down!
Comment #2: These are all so fabulous too (invites). I could use any of them as I have almost all those occassions coming up. I have to say, though, seeing as I'm turning 40 next year and am looking for invites for my 70s disco party, I loved the Friday Night Fever invites. They would be perfect!
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